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Linn Rivers

Linn RiversProfile Photo

Functional Health and Wellness Expert

Linn Rivers is a functional health and wellness expert and educator. She teaches people all over the world how to take their health into their own hands; mind, body and spirit.

She has over 15 years of education in the holistic health field and assists people in overcoming chronic health conditions and mental disorders.

Her educational background includes; Holistic/Functional Medicine, Microbiome Therapy, Spiritual Counseling, Eastern and Western Massage Therapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, Yoga Therapy, Life Coaching, Death Doula, Hypnosis, and Human Design Analysis.

While her educational background is impressive, it’s her own journey that really sets her apart. She is able to connect with people on a wide range of traumatic events that she had to overcome by herself, such as: death of all family members and partner, abandonment, neglect, sexuality, growing up with an alcoholic, relationship trauma, homelessness, career challenges, lack of direction, feelings of hopelessness, identity, anger and fear, addiction, illness, and near death experiences.

Feb. 15, 2024

From Chronic Illness to Vibrant Wellness: A Journey into Functional Medicine with Linn Rivers

This podcast episode highlights the significance of taking responsibility for one's health and finding integrative approaches in medical care. In this episode, Dr. Fitness invited health and wellness expert, Linn Rivers on t…
Guest: Linn Rivers