Welcome to Your Health Moment!

Cari Vann

Cari VannProfile Photo

Exercise Physiologist and Holistic Movement Mentor

Cari Vann is an Entrepreneur, Exercise Physiologist & Holistic Movement Mentor with 26 + years of experience both professionally and personally. She loves to move and struggled with pain at an early age which motivated her to find solutions. This led her on my journey and brought her to where she is today. Cari is grateful to be able to share what she has learned with others.

Dec. 28, 2023

Transforming Pain to Power: The Complete Well-Body Method with Cari Vann

In this episode, Dr. Fitness interviews Cari Vann, the creator of the Complete Well-Body Method, to discuss the shortcomings of common exercise programs. Listen in as Cari shares her personal journey from a passionate dancer…
Guest: Cari Vann